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» Listings for July 2012

  1. Gothic wedding- Gloucestershire-hair stylist-TV-248
    Right from the beginning I knew this job was right for me and because I love it. L
    oving alone is not enough to get you through. One needs alot of passion and extra effort to walk the extra mile to try to please every one.That is a very hard thing to do! Would you agree? Anyway, I persisted and slowly built up the expertise and trust and I hope that you can tell from the hair results all over this website, its been quite an achievement. Its been a very lond journey but one that has been very fruitfull. To those previous brides who have chosen me for their day,, regular clients, friends, fans and supporters who have been with me through the many years, I say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Without you I wouldnt not have made it. To those hairstylists out there that find this section of hairdressing quite a bit of a hand full I say, love, persistence and patience has done it for me. I hope that does it for you too. And love what you do. Without that, it will not last.Thanks to all those who have been very kind to recommend me and to you who ir reading this post, hopefuly you will enioy my work here and I hope to hear from you. Image credits: Steve Gerrard Photography


    Gothic wedding- Gloucestershire-hair stylist-TV-201

    Gothic wedding- Gloucestershire-hair stylist-TV-234 (2).22

    gothic-wedding -hairstyle-tv (24).2.2Gothic wedding- Gloucestershire-hair stylist-TV-464.22